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Project layout

mkdocs.yml             # documentation configuration file.  # script to generate part of disco_asymmetric.h
docs/                  # documentation files.
examples/              # examples of using EmbeddedDisco.
    devurandom.c       # contains a randombytes() function
    disco_asymmetric.h # disco implementation
    disco_symmetric.h  # symmetric wrappers around strobe     # implementation of keccak-f
    tweetX25519.h      # implementation of X25519
    tweetstrobe.h      # strobe implementation

How to use?

This library is intended to be highly portable. If you have trouble using it on a specific platform please create an issue.

It is not a plug-and-play implementation of the Disco protocol, but is almost there. You will need to figure out how to transport messages. If your framing does not include a length, you will need to pre-pend a 2-byte length in front of each disco message. See examples/golang_interop/.

While the library contains everything you need, you might have or are even expected to swap files for your own implementations of the components Disco relies on:

  • If you don't have booleans, you can redefine bool yourself. If you don't have the uint8_t type, you can redefine it yourself as well.
  • If you want a more efficient implementation of keccak-f for your platform, many exists. The implementations used in EmbeddedDisco are mostly intended for brievety and clarity, not necessarily for speed. Complexity adds risks as it is harder to audit. Think about it.
  • The library is configured with Keccak-f[1600] (which takes 1600-bit of space) and 128-bit of security as defaults. The permutation can be changed for keccak-f[800] or keccak-f[400] (which will respectively take 800-bit and 400-bit of space), the security can be changed to 256-bit. This is all done in tweetstrobe.h by defining STROBE_INTEROP_SECURITY_BITS and KECCAK_INTEROP_F_BITS.
  • If you want a more efficient implementation of X25519, they probably exist. Ref10 perhaps?
  • If you require powerful side-channel mitigations in highly adversarial environements, you might want to replace the primitives with your own implementations.

Establishing a secure session between two peers

To use the asymmetric handshakes of Disco, include disco in your project:

#include "disco_asymmetric.h"

The available functions are available in the same header. They consists of:

// used to generate long-term key pairs
void disco_generateKeyPair(keyPair *kp);

// used to initialized your handshakeState with a handshake pattern
void disco_Initialize(handshakeState *hs, handshakePattern hp, bool initiator,
                      uint8_t *prologue, size_t prologue_len, keyPair *s,
                      keyPair *e, keyPair *rs, keyPair *re);

// used to generate a handshake message
bool disco_WriteMessage(handshakeState *hs, uint8_t *payload, size_t payload_len,
                       uint8_t *message_buffer, size_t *message_len,
                       strobe_s *client_s, strobe_s *server_s);

// used to parse a handshake message
bool disco_ReadMessage(handshakeState *hs, uint8_t *message, size_t message_len,
                      uint8_t *payload_buffer, size_t *payload_len,
                      strobe_s *client_s, strobe_s *server_s);

// post-handshake encryption
void disco_EncryptInPlace(strobe_s *strobe, uint8_t *plaintext,
                          size_t plaintext_len, size_t plaintext_capacity);

// post-handshake decryption
bool disco_DecryptInPlace(strobe_s *strobe, uint8_t *ciphertext,
                          size_t ciphertext_len);

the different handshake patterns are defined in disco_asymmetric.h as:

  • HANDSHAKE_N: the server only receives messages (one-way), the client is not authenticated, the client knows the server public key.
  • HANDSHAKE_K: the server only receives messages (one-way), the server knows the client public key, the client knows the server public key.
  • HANDSHAKE_X: the server only receives messages (one-way), the client transmits its public key during the handshake, the client knows the server public key.
  • HANDSHAKE_NK: the client is not authenticated, the client knows the server public key.
  • HANDSHAKE_KK: the server knows the client public key, the client knows the server public key.
  • HANDSHAKE_NX: the client is not authenticated, the server transmits its public key during the handshake.
  • HANDSHAKE_KX: the server knows the client public key, the server transmits its public key during the handshake.
  • HANDSHAKE_XK: the client transmits its public key during the handshake, the client knows the server public key.
  • HANDSHAKE_IK: the client transmits its public key during the handshake, the client knows the server public key.
  • HANDSHAKE_XX: the client transmits its public key during the handshake, the server transmits its public key during the handshake.
  • HANDSHAKE_IX: the client transmits its public key during the handshake, the server transmits its public key during the handshake.

Refer to the Noise specification to know:

  • how many messages to write or read for a specific handshake pattern
  • what the security properties of the handshake pattern are

At the end of the handshake, two strobe state are returned by disco_WriteMessage and disco_ReadMessage. One is for the client to encrypt to the server and the other is for the server to encrypt to the client.

Hashing, Encrypting, Authenticating, Deriving Keys, etc.

To use the symmetric parts of Disco, include the following file in your projects:

#include "symmetric.h"

The following functions are available:

// Hashing
void disco_Hash(uint8_t* input, size_t input_len, uint8_t* out, size_t out_len);
void disco_HashNew(discoHashCtx* ctx);
void disco_HashWrite(discoHashCtx* ctx, uint8_t* input, size_t input_len);
void disco_HashWriteTuple(discoHashCtx* ctx, uint8_t* input, size_t input_len);
void disco_HashSum(discoHashCtx* ctx, uint8_t* out, size_t out_len);
void disco_HashResetCtx(discoHashCtx* ctx);

// Key Derivation
void disco_DeriveKeys(uint8_t* inputKey, size_t key_len, uint8_t* out,
                      size_t out_len);

// Integrity Protection
void disco_ProtectIntegrity(uint8_t* key, size_t key_len, uint8_t* data,
                            size_t data_len, uint8_t* out, size_t out_len);
bool disco_VerifyIntegrity(uint8_t* key, size_t key_len, uint8_t* data,
                           size_t data_len, uint8_t* tag, size_t tag_len);

// Pseudo-Random Number Generator
void disco_RandomSeed(discoRandomCtx* ctx, uint8_t* seed, size_t seed_len);
void disco_InjectEntropy(discoRandomCtx* ctx, uint8_t* entropy,
                         size_t entropy_len);
void disco_RandomGet(discoRandomCtx* ctx, uint8_t* out, size_t out_len);